Violin Masterclass
is essential maintenance after all
The term 'Violin Masterclass' is used for many different styles, areas of teaching and location. Public violin masterclasses are usually held in a large room or hall and will have an audience with a wide variety of musical interests.
The public Violin Masterclass usually given at music conservatoires is probably the most daunting of them all. There is usually an accompanist in attendance and therefore it requires the violinist to perform to concert standard. The comments made by the Professor are usually guided towards making the performer interpret and communicate their musical ideas to the audience.
The comments made by the Professor are usually guided towards making the performer communicate their ideas more easily to the audience
Violin masterclasses in a lesson and teaching room scenario may be less stressful depending on the number of students attending. It may be possible to cover
more detailed technical work during these sessions, making them more interactive.
The performance may be criticised by students attending who may also have to perform in the same session.
It is imperative that students take notes, possibly record some of the session, and add their own comments
Students attending music courses or violin courses, who have individual tuition with one Professor, may have the flexibility of attending masterclasses with another teacher. This will give an added dimension to their studies on violin courses that offer this flexibility.
They will have the opportunity to listen in detail to other students performing and possibly learn new repertoire.
The other type of violin masterclass which attracts the widest audiences are those prepared for television. These usually have a live audience and even possibly a world viewing public.
The instrumentalists taking part in these events are usually young soloists and the Professor is usually a world class performer.
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