Violin Scales and Arpeggios
Why are violin scales and arpeggios so important? This question is discussed throughout this website as violin scales, along with viola and cello scales, form the basic left hand violin finger positions. The importance of obtaining a balanced left hand, through practising scales, is of paramount importance.
Knowing how to practice scales will ensure rapid progress which will guarantee a secure left hand. Violin scales should be practiced daily, and it is worth remembering that scales can be used to develop the right hand as well using different styles of bowing.

Violin scales are neglected at the
students peril!
The violin finger chart, or scale chart, is an indispensable aid in improving the recall of scale fingering.
The violin finger chart on page 169 will enable greater knowledge of violin finger positions. This page may be photocopied many times in order to record detailed written notes that show what has been practiced. These should include practice dates, metronome markings for gradually increasing the tempo, and a range of bowings that all need to be rigorously documented.
Familiarity with the chart can only be achieved with many months / years of diligent accountable practice. Eventually scales will become purely a vehicle to enhance facility and tone production. Only then will a thorough track record be attained.
The Crabbers Scale Manuals cover all relevant scales for violin, if used regularly they will build a solid foundation
Violin chords should not be neglected. Chords within the Crabbers Scale Manuals cover thirds, sixths, octaves and tenths. Advanced knowledge of these scales will form an excellent grounding to ease the technical demands made by the pedagogue etudes of Kreutzer, Dont, Mazas, Gavinies and Paganini.
Crabbers Alternative Scale Manuals
A comprehensive guide for the advanced student & conservatoire undergraduate
A comprehensive guide for the advanced student & conservatoire undergraduate
A comprehensive guide for the advanced student & conservatoire undergraduate